To rise and shine: Jump out of bed,
Rub your belly whilst patting your head.
Bike down a hill, build up a sweat.
Exhale for longer than you inhaled that breath
Try something new and not just the same.
Try to win a staring contest with a candle flame!
Not quite your style. Not quite your thing?
Take a dive into cold water or make yourself sing!
You said you wanna be startin’ something… let’s start something.
I am traveling the world this month; visiting family, attending 2 weddings, celebrating several birthdays, and I am committing to bringing some new things with me this visit. A bit of sass, some first class joy, and liberating pulses of light.
Family time is precious, but can be challenging. We can fall into old roles and pick up where we left off as teenagers. Finding the right emotional distance/closeness is critical in helping to establish fresh boundaries and healthy exchanges, respectfully.
Starting something, especially when it’s starting within one’s own family, can be one of the hardest challenges a person ever faces, but it is also one of the most rewarding. I know that for some, who have experienced deep wounds from within the family, it can feel impossible and even damaging to be with family. If that is the case for you, then there are other ways to start something new. If at all possible, gently as possible see where the wounds are and ask yourself:
“What would I like to experience instead of these wounds? Are these wounds meant to be here forever?”
Breathe and with kindness allow yourself to see and hear what your body wants.*
For others, the challenge can be completely different. We sometimes find ourselves locked up in time capsules when it comes to relationships and that can really stop us from connecting to the “startin’ something” feeling. Break free of these restraints by doing something, anything that will jolt you into wakefulness.
For each of us, there will be different activities that ignite the spark of wakefulness: for some it will be dancing while for others, it might be speaking truth in order to jump stars stagnant relationships. For many of us it might take a dunking in freezing water to shake loose the startin’ something energy
Whatever it is do it. DO IT. Because we wanna be startin’ something.
Happy trails, my lovely friends.
* If you need help in healing old wounds or you find yourself spinning your wheels in relationships that feel like they will never work then I can help. Give me a shout and let’s make this life a great life.