So many times when we want a moment to ourselves, we are looking to move beyond the distractions and attractions of surface awareness – the “this and that” of our lives. We want to go deeper; in part to rejuvenate and replenish, and in part to stretch out in our consciousness.

We want to be able to take as much space as possible within, so that we can contemplate our lives, issues that need to be addressed, and questions that want whole answers.

We know that our thoughts and emotions are active and can interfere with this quest towards silence. We do not need to be discouraged by this – we can learn to move to this silence even with the distractions.

Imagine that you can choose to focus your attention to a quieter place, listening not to the words or feelings, but to the sensation of quietude. It may feel like an opening, a sense of being “in the zone”, or the feeling that things are falling into place. It may just feel better, brighter, or clearer.

Take a moment today to sit quietly, and see if you can direct your attention to the silence. Practicing this will allow you to have the ability to direct your focus at will and win you grace in gritty situations.