You are changing. Can you feel it?

As conscious beings, we can easily spot changes in the world around us.

But for some reason, we always assume we are standing still amongst them, like rocks in a stream.

Just as the world shifts, we too are in a steady state of transformation, but we often fail to notice. This disconnect of awareness runs deep. Even when our physical bodies are decidedly altered, our minds are often preoccupied elsewhere. It might take a drastic event – an illness, a sudden recognition of improvement, or an outside source telling us what they see – before our personal metamorphosis becomes apparent to ourselves.

The ability to recognize and be in alignment with change is a true gift. We can amplify this awareness by choosing to meet change with self-knowing and confidence.

So today, let us prepare our consciousness for the shifting into the season of autumn/fall, by focusing on being aware of change.

Let’s begin.

Take a couple of deep breaths and close your eyes. Breathe into your inner landscape, allowing your breath to nourish and replenish your inner world of drought or floods. Give yourself a moment to find a point of ease.

On your next deep breath, ask your body where it holds the essence of being in perfect alignment with change. Take a moment to feel into this point of awareness, holding its essence. Take another deep breath and pop open this essence, diving into the sensations it provides.

What does it feel like? Is it a vast energy? Is it sudden and bright, like lightning? Or is it still and subtle, like the surface of a calm lake?

As you perceive this essence, contemplate how it feels to be in alignment with change. Freeing? Relaxing? Imagine this energy rippling out from your whole body, and into your aura. Feel this energy meeting the change that is happening around you and within you, from a place of inner knowing and balance.

Allow yourself to be immersed in this energy for as long as you would like. And then, when you are ready, take a few more deep, delicious breaths and open your eyes.

Change is the fibres in the fabric of life – let us learn to meet it with humor and dancing feet!