I can feel you between my words and thoughts, in those breaths between feelings and expression. I can especially feel your presence when I let out a sigh. I see your signature everywhere – even in embraces and laughter. And when I breathe with you in mind, I feel like I am coming home.

And I want to thank you for being my ever-true friend.

Yours in love,


In today’s world of unceasing communication – with smartphones, online chats & advertisements pummeling us at every turn – it’s crucial to give our minds some time away from the relentless noise that surrounds us. Today, let us celebrate silence by sitting together in silent meditation.

Take a couple of deep breaths into your body and close your eyes. Feel each breath start to ease the grip of any tension or tightness within you, and allow your senses to open. Breathe in and out. Softly, quietly, listen for the silence between the sounds, as those moments of pause enter into your consciousness like a welcome guest. Feel the presence of inner silence and sit in meditation with this friend for as long as you would like.

When your meeting with silence is complete, take a few lovely, deep breaths and open your eyes.

Remember: silence is a part of our inner nature to be relished and enjoyed! Take time to explore this innate part of you, and discover all of the blessings it brings.