
We need positivity, especially in difficult times.

My stomach churns when I think of the unimaginably daunting challenges facing us. Our planet, our country, and our lives seem destined for an inevitable darkness. We watch the chaos that is the US election this year through the screens of devices we and our children spend far too much time engrossed in.

I’ll admit it, there are times when it all makes me want to say, “Check, please! I’m done.”

Luckily, that’s just one part of me. The other parts say: “Let’s just pause here for a second and breathe.”

I know those parts of me are correct because I soon find peace, possibilities and the pulse of my heartbeat where they always are.

I know what we are up against:

  • The frantic pace of our lives
  • The seeming lack of options
  • The feeling powerlessness
  • A landscape devoid of leaders

What we need to do is pause for a second and breathe. We need to find our peace, possibilities, and pulse. We need them if we are to accomplish anything.

Want to try it out with me and tap into your soul’s positive vibration? Ready?

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale, look around. Exhale, look around. Repeat a few more times. Open your focus wide just like the aperture on a camera lens.

Allow yourself to connect to the things around you: chair, plant, sofa, lamp, door, window, sky, clouds, sun. Look at the colors around you: blue, green, brown, orange. What textures do you perceive? Rough, soft, fluffy, silky? Allow your eyes to pass over all the things that attract your attention.

How does it feel? Are you beginning to relax?

Breathe: inhale slowly and steadily. Pause. Exhale slowly and steadily. Pause. Repeat a few more times.

Trust this process and know that there is time for you to do this, to unfold out of the squeeze that too much focusing or stress or hopelessness can create.

Allow the positivity to rise. It may feel quiet as a whisper to begin with. Keep going. If you become distracted guide yourself back to the breath and gently move your gaze around the room, opening your focus.

When you feel complete register how you are feeling. More relaxed? Less agitated? Energized? Full of ideas?

This is one way to create space in our minds, bodies,and hearts. This space is prime real estate. Without this space, without a real relationship with this space, there is no momentum. No fertile ground to seed peace. No way forward.

The way arises within us.

The peace arises within us.

The momentum arises within us.

When we show up and nourish the good within.

We rise, individually and collectively.

We must take time out to feel this space, the light and the positivity we want to see in the world. Whether we are peaceful protectors of the earth or mothers driving our kids to school or readers of blog posts, we must begin within.

All of us.

If you need help with connecting to your soul’s positive vibration, please call on me. I know it’s within you, waiting for your call.