I’d like to invite you to join me on a little journey. A journey that could evoke new or different ways to relate to yourself? Would you like to try it and see what happens? I will use questions as prompts to get things percolating. Ready? Here we go.

Before you begin the exercise, pause for a moment and observe your emotions, the quality of your thoughts, and how at ease you feel in your body. By doing this, we’ll be able to monitor any changes that occur after you’ve finished the exercise. Remember to take time with each of these questions because it takes time to connect, feel, sense, and trust the experience that is unfolding

Now take a breath and let’s begin.

Has an idea or thought excited you or stretched your mind lately? What was it? Make a note of how this feels for you as you play with this mind-stretching idea. What is the next ripple out from this idea?

Let’s move on to love! What does the essence of love feel like right now? Just let that feeling rise within you. Take a few moments to connect to it and explore how it feels in your body. Does it flutter or make you smile? Is it familiar or far away? What happens next as you sit with this feeling of love?

Here’s my last question – is there someone you’d like to speak your truth to? Imagine them standing right in front of you. What would you tell them if you knew there’d be no repercussions? Let your heart guide your words. How does it feel now?

Take a moment now to reflect on whether you notice any differences in how you feel compared to when you began reading this newsletter. If there have been any changes, please take note of them.

Today, I want you to have a break from some habitual ways of relating to yourself. It’s fun to consciously change things up and experience yourself with fresh eyes, an open mind, and a curious spirit!

So, take my hand, and let’s dance on a moonbeam! We’ll giggle like kids and embrace life with a heart full of openness and wonder. Let’s make every moment count!
With Love,

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