It was a chilly October day, and Super Storm Sandy was about to hit New York City. I was on my way to meet up with a friend, and as the wild winds started to sweep through the city, it felt like the chaos outside was a reflection of the turmoil in my life.

I had some discomforting questions swirling in my head. Had I missed out on important chances? Was it too late for a fresh start? The year before had been a rollercoaster, filled with a near-death experience, surgeries, and a real blow to my self-esteem.

As I walked, lost in my thoughts, this one question kept popping up: “What future do you belong to?” At first, I didn’t want to answer it. Fear had a tight grip on me; I was scared of losing sight of my dreams again because of unexpected setbacks.

But there was a feeling deep inside that just wouldn’t stop. It was my response to the question. The “answer” wasn’t any specific ideas, thoughts, or outcomes. It wasn’t how I imagined I would want to feel, for example, peaceful, joyous, or successful.

Instead, it was something different. It felt like an incredible supernova, radiating intensity that stretched across galaxies coming from within me. It felt timeless, boundless – like the true me.

Now, fast forward a whole decade, and that same question popped up in a recent conversation. It got me reminiscing about how far I’ve come. Back then, I could only sense my future in these abstract feelings. But today, I can actually put it into words.

Today, I’m standing stronger, more in the moment, and rooted. The lessons from my past experiences keep me steady, and there’s a real sense of authenticity in my growth. The future I belong to is one where my nervous system is regulated, my values shine brightly, and they are the north star by which I navigate my life.

I’m still that radiant supernova, but now I choose to embrace this moment I’m in, with trust that the future it births is one I can welcome with love and open arms.

So, here’s a thought: How have you changed in the last ten years? What kind of future can you see for yourself?
See you soon star gazers!
Much Love,

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