I am smiling as I write these words, because I know it is time to say some good things.

Saying good words is not really an affirmation or a mantra. Instead, it is an exercise in appreciating what we love that is already present, or that we can bring to the foreground to appreciate. It’s a moment to acknowledge the simple details of life, and parts of ourselves that we take for granted.

Good things happen all the time in our lives, and all around us. Speaking positive words allows us to connect to the bigger picture, expand our horizons, and shake loose the dross of stagnation.

This exercise is so simple and yet soooo lovely to practice. It is one of my favourite exercises to do as I wash dishes or fall asleep, or especially before starting the day.

So if you’re ready, take a couple of deep breaths and close your eyes.

Feel the good breath coming into your good body, nourishing your good lungs and mixing with the good blood being pumped by your good heart. Allow your senses to touch the good air from this good planet Earth as it rushes up through your good nasal passages. Feel the goodness of slowing down and releasing tension, knowing that you are in the presence of inner and outer goodness.

Now take another deep, wonderful breath and prepare yourself to speak those good things to yourself.

Here are some of mine:
I love you, my body.
I thank you, my mind.
Thank you, light.
Thank you, tree in the winds.
I am glad in this moment, and smile with love in my heart.
I love the joy this meditation creates….

Speak these thoughts to yourself for as long as you would like. Then, when you are ready, take another deep, good breath and open your good eyes to this good, good world.

There are so many good things to speak of. Each time you practice this exercise, whether for a moment or for a day, you will find the warmth of your heart leaving love notes everywhere!