Oftentimes when I’m presented with challenges that seem especially insurmountable and foreboding, my inner superhero gene gets triggered (usually after the initial feelings of overwhelm and doubt).

For some reason, I seem to have a bit of code in me that insists: nothing is impossible, so let’s figure this one out. I take whatever the conundrum is and treat it like a video game, or one of those incredibly popular Zynga games. I want to get to the next level of  the game – in this case the “game of life”.

Please understand – I’m not saying life’s challenges can be equated to “Words with Friends” or “Call of Duty: Black Ops II”. But when they do arise, I want to approach them with a strategy for winning and overcoming hardships in spades.

My strategies include: learning everything about the situation, the players, their game style, knowing where I am within myself, meditating, and of course, thinking outside the box (my favourite ploy).

My superhero gene gets triggered a great deal. I sometimes wonder why that may be so.

I think the answer lies partly in my optimism, and partly in my instinctive need for control. I don’t like the feeling of defeat or resignation. At the core of my being, I know this life is beautiful and that’s why I bought a ticket for this ride. I want to fully experience all of the beauty, joy and peace there is, though these experiences may seem elusive at times  I do accept surrender, but only after I have asked every question, tried every option, and left a window open for crazy synchronicities.

So that brings us to Fukushima and radioactivity. Regardless of your position on nuclear weapons or nuclear energy, we are slowly beginning to awaken to a radiation-flavored future as an impending reality. The kind of radiation that does not  recognize boundaries, pick sides,  or leave the green vegetables alone.

It is, in fact,  an invisible, odorless, weightless, almost ageless (and I would go as far as saying humorless) “opponent”. It flies, it swims, it seeps, it sneaks – it is omnipresent once released, whether accidentally or purposefully. What is a superhero to do against such a formidable opponent?

It is in such big, impossible situations that we must rally the neocortex and think outside the box. I am pretty convinced that burning, burying or shipping radioactive materials into space is not the final answer. So instead, I urge you to join me in visualising the radiation dissolving into a beautiful, non-toxic, safe and useful energy. If we hold that as an intention in our consciousness, then that seed has the possibility of sprouting.

And in terms of our bodies, I invite you to turn within and speak to the atoms within your cells. Find a place to sit or lie down, and take a few deep breaths to rid your body of the stress of the day. Close your eyes, and turn your focus inward.

Bring your awareness to the atoms that could be affected by the radiation (from the sun or Fukushima) and ask them what they need to be stable, strong and faster than the frequency of radiation. You may sense an energy or color. Imagine drawing that color or energy in from the universe and filling your whole body with it until you begin to hum with light.  And then when you are ready open your eyes.

If we allow ourselves a moment to experience the magnitude of our consciousness we recognize that we can “speak” to these atoms (think of the atoms as the mind of the cells) lovingly and tell them to steer a steady course through these turbulent times with awareness and confidence.

That is my superhero approach to Fukushima, the sun rays and radiation.
