Better than an iPhone. Silence rejuvenates the soul.

Better than an iPhone. Silence rejuvenates the soul.

Sometimes, silence must be pursued.

It’s especially the case when the mind is busy providing commentary, directions, and opinions about any and all aspects of life. In such instances, silence disappears into the nether regions of our awareness, and fades as a memory of something amorphous from our past.

We become so unfamiliar with silence that it makes us uncomfortable. We decry its qualities. We listen to our iPods or watch Youtube videos or chat on our cell phones, not once realizing the good fortune and well being peace & quiet can bring.

Imagine creating a space for silence and stillness by turning off all electronics – yes, that does mean your phone, computer, TV and iPod. Imagine disconnecting the internet server or any other device that creates white noise, like printers or DVRs. Give yourself permission not to check your emails, Facebook, or texts for a day (imagine that!) or at least for an hour. See what happens.

Silence is our most primal resource for recomposing our core awareness and being. So for today, let us dip into this pool of nourishing quietude and feel the pulse and magnificence of silence.

Take a moment and find a wonderful, quiet spot. As you prepare for this meditation let go of your to-do lists, schedule and stress, and allow your body to relax. Begin to quieten the mind, and close your eyes. With each in and out breath, release the tension and noise from yourself. Begin to move your mind consciously towards stillness and silence.

Continue in this practice for a little bit longer than your usual meditation, just to give yourself the extra soul rejuvenation that silence creates.

And then when you are ready, open your eyes and know that the sound of the universe is within you!

Have a wonderful day!

Better than an iPhone. Silence rejuvenates the soul.

Say Hi to your Higher Self

Before I enrolled at the Nizhoni School’s College of Divinity, I had never heard the term “Higher Self” used to describe one’s inner voice, intuition or soul wisdom. I had never imagined I could articulate intuition as something more powerful than a feeling, or a vague knowing. I certainly did not know it was possible to actually “grow” those intuitive feelings.

During my first sessions of Higher Self (HS) meditation, I encountered a great deal of resistance and challenge from within. I wondered – was I making it all up? How would I know the difference between my emotions/thoughts and my HS? Doubt and logic were at the forefront of this rebellion. Uncertainty and fear clouded my inner focus.

I persevered, however, because I had already experienced very clear instances of my intuition stepping in and speaking to me with an “inner voice”. I had literally heard a voice telling me things before they happened, or directing me towards a decision that seemed contrary to the result I was seeking… but proved to be accurate.

Weird? Not at all. To me, it was an intriguing skill that I was interested in honing.

Since those early days, I have learned to think of the Higher Self as a brilliant, wise, expansive, funny, honest, present, all-knowing, all-loving consciousness. It is the truest part of me – clear of all fear, judgement, and mental clutter. The part that can witness, orchestrate, teach and guide me to be more wholly me, without masks or doubt. It is deeper than the subconscious and bigger than the mind. I imagine it as my spiritual consigliere – my wise counselor and friend.

So for today’s meditation, let us connect to that deepest part of ourselves – that magnificent, awe-inspiring, all-loving, divine essence!

Take a couple of deep breaths and close your eyes. Give yourself a few moments to allow your awareness to turn from the outside to the inside. Let your breath begin to deepen, and your body begin to feel relaxed and safe.

Now, take another deep breath into your body and ask your Higher Self, your all-knowing, all-loving, divine HS to take a form for you. Focus on the first form you perceive – it may be an energy, a feeling or a symbol. What is the energy of your HS? Is it warm, soft or bright? Does it feel loving or humorous?

Once you can perceive your HS, ask it to touch your body. Breathe into that place, and feel the energy rippling through your whole body from the touch. Drink in this experience like a cool glass of water.

Take your time to really feel this energy, and allow your senses to savor the essence.

When you are ready to move on, ask your HS to give you a message. The message may be in the form of words, or a feeling. Just allow yourself to receive it. What is your HS communicating to you? Connect to the message, and feel its meaning resonate within you.

Then, take another deep breath and draw your HS into your body. Commune with it for as long as you would like.

When you are ready, take another deep breath and open your eyes.

This wonderful exercise reminds us that we can choose to shift our awareness into higher states of consciousness. And when we do, we nourish not only ourselves, but the Whole!

Better than an iPhone. Silence rejuvenates the soul.

Haters need love too. A meditation of superheroic proportions

Enemy No.1 needs your love and attention for the good of the whole

Imagine you received a memo like this. Would you be up for the challenge? Would your superhero curiousity be piqued? Mine certainly would be. I’d be looking for my cape and getting ready for some fearless maneuvers!

Granted, we don’t usually receive such memos calling for grand gestures to save the world. But there are many opportunities to transform the lives of  those around us through acts of kindness, compassion and love. Real life heroism at its finest!

This assignment today requires a strong heart. Are you up to the task?

For  today’s mediation, we are going to send love to those we have deemed unworthy of our love for any reason. For example, someone who has caused us deep harm, abandoned us, or someone we just “don’t like”. (Keep in mind – animosity never appears out of thin air. There’s always a reason for such strong feelings.)

You may be asking yourself, “Why should I do that? Those people owe me. They have hurt me.”

The purpose of this exercise is to expand your capacity for love. You must transcend your own story of you and your “enemy”. By stretching our compassion muscles in these particularly challenging areas, we can begin to contemplate the possibility of inner and world peace.

Will you answer the call?

Here we go, and thank you.

Find an amazing spot to sit for this mediation. Begin to become aware of your breath, and consciously begin to quieten the mind and body from external distractions. Take another deep breath and close your eyes.

Now think of someone that you do not like or feel angry with, or someone you deem unworthy of your love. Take the first person that comes into your awareness and allow them to stand to the right of you in your consciousness.

Turn your attention back to yourself. Breathe, and quieten your body and mind. When you are ready, ask your body where it holds the ability or quality of love that can transcend fear, judgement, or your own story of being hurt.

Take your awareness to the place that holds this expansive, transcendent capacity to love. What does this kind of love feel like? Is it warm or light? Allow your senses to touch and vibrate with this energy. Once you can feel it vibrating in your body, begin to radiate it out as waves of energy towards your “enemy”.

Observe what happens. Does the person move away or change? Stay focused on being in this experience of transcendent love, and allowing it to flow from you.  Take your time here to really connect to this energy, and the healing transformation that is taking place. Let your mind be silent.

Continue in this exercise until the person leaves, or fades into the light.

Now take another deep breath, and begin to radiate this loving energy into yourself – to all the places you hold judgement against yourself, places where you feel unworthy. Allow the same wonderful, transcendent energy to pour into your inner fibres, nourishing and healing you. Take as long as you would like, or until you feel you have completed this transformation.

As we clear the energy fields within our own bodies and auras we have our first taste of peace, acceptance, love for ourselves and those we deem our enemies.

Yippee! Let’s get it on!


Better than an iPhone. Silence rejuvenates the soul.

Magic Moments in the Making


I see magic all the time, everywhere.

I see magic in my garden, in my son’s happy jumping, in a weed sprouting, or a kiss. I am not talking about spells, witches or strange brews here. Instead, I am speaking of the alchemy of creation itself. Magic is wonderment at life – things, events, people truly connecting…

Magic is a doorway to mystery; it begs inquiry and draws us to step out of the box, to witness the extraordinary beauty of ordinary things. It questions our assumptions and beliefs and sends us on our way to awe.

Today, let us step out of the mundane for a moment and celebrate the magic that is all around us.

Here we go:

Seek out a place to sit quietly for a few moments and take in your surroundings, whatever they may be. Allow yourself to sigh or breathe deeply, releasing any tension or stress from the body.

Close your eyes as you breathe in and out comfortably. Allow your senses to perceive the life that is happening around you; the sounds, smells, tastes and textures. Now take another deep breath, and ask your body where it holds the essence of magic or wonderment. Listen and observe. You might sense a tingling sensation, or you might immediately know where it is in your body.

What does it feel like? Is it giggly? Is it filled with sparkles? Or is it quiet and still? Each one of us will experience this energy differently, and will connect to it in our own unique way. The purpose of this exercise is to feel the quality of energy as it lives within our bodies.

Once you can sense this place, dive into it with your awareness and open it up, letting it fill your whole body. Allow yourself to quicken and vibrate with this energy. You may feel a smile appearing on your face, or sense warmth beginning to radiate from you. These are just signs of your body beginning to respond to the expansion of this joyous space.

Take a few moments here and enjoy the sensations of your consciousness within this state. As you become filled with this energy, allow it to flow out of you and into the room like a radiant sun.

Breathe into your body now and command all the cells to imprint this energy so that you can turn it on whenever you feel the mundane reality seeping into your consciousness.

Then whenever you are ready open your eyes and see the magic and wonderment around you!